COVID-19 vaccine in Ghana- Back to the Good Old Days?

Victoria Kweinorki Quaynor

There came new dawn, the dawn that has brought us hope, oooh yes. Ghana is the first country in Africa to receive the vaccine to help fight the COVID-19 under the COVAX facility. Although we receive it with an open arm, tears of joy and all there is. We are still moaning. Unfortunately, misinformation about the vaccine is spreading so fast at an unmeasured rate.

During the spread of the virus, our prayers and hope were for a vaccine to be developed to help curb the spread. I remember how I woke up one day, and suddenly, I was instructed not to go to school due to the COVID-19 virus. I remember how schools were closed, offices and other places for social gatherings were closed. We couldn't hug our friends anymore, meet with them or even go out and have fun. Do you remember how some lost their jobs and ever since, have still not had jobs? For those who did not lose their jobs, their salaries and wages were reduced unimaginably.

As young as I was and still am, I couldn't fathom what was exactly going on. It took me some time to come to terms with our current state of being. Although, it allowed us to reflect on how we can do things differently, it also deprived people of their loved ones, jobs, and many others. Who would have ever believed that my country Ghana would suffer from this virus? Who would have taught that the world at large will come to a standstill? All these events united us and strengthened our sense of community.

Do you know why the reminder of these incidents is important?  I believe we as a country have come a long way. Looking forward, we have many mountains ahead of us. We hope in due time we can overcome.

We all must come together and fight against misinformation and all the negative prejudice surrounding the COVID-19 vaccine. The vaccine is there to protect us and not to harm us.

5 things you can do to build trust in COVID-19 vaccines

👉 Each of us can help build trust on COVID-19 vaccines. Check out some of the ways you can fight misinformation and ensure the safe and equitable distribution o COVID-19 vaccines for all.

 As a young person, I believe the country’s effort in being the first in Africa to secure a vaccine is to prove its strong commitment to assist fight this virus and possibly eliminate it. I know we might have our fears and worries but I plead that we stay calm as more information to help clear all our doubts unfolds.

I want to go back to those days where I don't have to wear a mask before speaking to my friends, I want to go back to those days when I could easily go out without the fear of being infected by the COVID-19. Well, these are just a few wishes, what about you too? I guess yours are in line with mine or probably different, but majority of us would want to go out freely without the fear of being infected or infecting others. It is for you to wake up and realize we can go back to our good old days.

To achieve this feat, we all must come together and fight against misinformation and all the negative prejudice surrounding the COVID-19 vaccine. As the aim of the vaccination is to protect our immediate frontline workers, who are battling against COVID-19.  The government seeks to protect Ghanaians, in general, in subsequent years to come.

The vaccine is there to protect us and not to harm us. It is therefore pertinent that we disregard any negative information or whatsoever. Again, we must help share the right information with our friends, families, and people we come into contact with to make way for a smooth vaccination process for all.

I would like to suggest that there is more sensitization program on the vaccine to help clear myths and misconceptions surrounding it.

I would also request us all to check with the Ghana Health Service page, WHO page, or UNICEF for more information on the vaccine should we have any doubts or questions. Let's also continue to abide by all the safety protocols until it is officially declared that we are COVID-19 free.

Borrowing the words of our president of the Republic of Ghana, His Excellency Nana Akufo-Addo “this too shall pass”. 


Victoria Kweinorki Quaynor

My name Victoria Kweinorki Quaynor, I'm 22 year old from the Greater Accra region in Ghana.

I am a member of the Generation Unlimited Young People’s Action Team (YPAT) and a Child Rights advocate at “Curious Minds”, a broadcasting platform centered around ensuring that all children and young people are well informed and participating in decision-making.

I’m a student of the Ghana Institute of Journalism and my dream is to see a world where all children and young people are well informed.
