We should stop teaching hate to young people

Deep thinking


This is Ethar Khalid.

I am a 25 year-old Saudi girl, I became an American permanent resident last year.

In another part of the world my dad is working in a dangerous place where the oil attack happened a few days ago, he is there to fix the damage.

I feel so sad and depressed..I have been crying for days worrying about his safety there!

I am desperate, scared and far far away from my family to support them.


I have a small YouTube channel and there are bunch of young people watching me...

But, I hate it when people still believe we should only trust people with certain identities.

They hate me for rejecting hate against Non-Muslims...

But look how Muslims kill too.

We are the victims of these hate crimes.


I need help.

Someone help me to change young people's minds...


We should stop the dark religious ideas about humanity.

We should not hate people who are different from us.

Stop hating.

United States of America