We are digging our own grave


It is renown news that climate change is affecting the environment and all the ecosystems our planet thrives upon. However, many fail to see how direct the impact is on our own kind, blinded by their daily activities considering themselves “too busy” to pay attention and take time to understand what is happening.

I am here to show you why this will be fatal in the long run, especially if it is world leaders that need to take action.

Ever since mankind has existed, it has depended on its surroundings. Hunting, fishing, farming and nature have been the fundamental source to the sink that is our society; unfortunately I can safely say that we are abusing the power we have - research shows that greenhouse gas emissions rose by 41% since 1990.

Over-exploitation of our resources has lead to events that negatively impact people, in multiple ways. For example, the increasing average temperatures cause mass evaporation of water and therefore drought on land and increased levels of moisture in the atmosphere, indeed there was an increase of 15% in rainfall intensity during Hurricane Harvey in 2017, which killed 68 people just on impact.

Moreover, changing climate also negatively affects our health. Firstly, pathogens doctors can now handle may start to genetically evolve, which can change the approach we must take in order to cure; indeed North Americans are susceptible to vector-carried diseases, such as dengue fever, as the shifting temperatures and conditions may cause geographical distribution changes. Secondly, numerous people suffer of psychological impacts, such as stress and anxiety towards what the environment is enduring. Lastly, I would like to point out that greenhouse emissions are poisoning the air we breathe. Increasing carbon dioxide in the air leads to growth of plants that produce allergens, that affect human respiratory and cardiovascular systems. On the same note, increase in ozone concentration puts people at higher risk of hospital admission, and in extreme cases even death.

Earth is warming up 0.15°C - 0.20°C every decade since 1975 inevitably leading to longer and more intense heat waves, provoking several health hazards. For example, those who spend hours outdoors in certain regions may experience heat exhaustion. This is a condition whereby the body is “over heating” leading to dehydration, cramps and obviously dizziness and fatigue. Whereas heat stroke is a more extreme form of heat exhaustion, and can potentially lead to loss of patients.

These are only a few of the countless effects of the climate crisis the planet is enduring. It must be stopped, and to do it, we must unite. World leaders most of all must listen to the voices of youth, who will have to live with the consequences otherwise.

We are in the beginning of a mass extinction
-Greta Thunberg