A Special Right

Two young boys

I am trying to look for something…

Do you know where I can find it?


Will I find it in a huge school building?

Or in a big brick house?


If you know, then please help me out,

for I have searched all around!


Can I find it in books to study?

Or in fancy clothes to wear?


Oh, it leaves me in so much despair!


I’ll beat the drums in my little slum…

…and all my friends will come running…

…to find what it is, that we have been missing!


I will look for it in my small school building,

and in my warm and tiny hut.


I will look for it in the scrap of paper

and in the broken pen, which will write my future…

I will find it in the ripped clothes that I wear,

Even if it leaves me in great despair!


I am trying to look for ‘privilege’,

Do you know where I can find it?

"Childhood, after all, is the first precious coin that poverty steals from a child."

- Anthony Horowitz