Prevention is not too fashionable here but we do what we can

Reopening of schools for the 2020/21 term

I do not leave my home but I fear for the street children who have no protective measures against the coronavirus, explains the young Fatouma who is aware of the risks run by the most vulnerable children.

The coronavirus is a very serious disease that has disrupted social harmony. In some places, preventive measures to stop its spread have not been applied. Many people lack the means to buy masks, disinfectant gel, or soap and for many access to water has been the main challenge

It is thus based on article 17 of the Convention on the Rights of the Child that we ask that every child can have access to information on the prevention of the coronavirus. Children's health is everyone's responsibility!. As MENFOP has announced the return to school, there is a need for consistent messaging and information that will protect us as children from contracting this disease

As most schools in Djibouti have reopened, most children are likely experiencing a range of emotions. The return to school is welcome and exciting for many students, but others are feeling anxious or frightened. Parents, teachers, and other education senior officials need to support children who are experiencing the fear of contracting COVID-19 and ease them into this new normal that the world is moving into.

However most children are their own protectors, thus I call upon most children to be jealous of themselves and to ensure their own protection because their protection begins with themselves first.
