Outstanding People Have One Thing in Common: an Absolute Sense of Mission

Outstanding people have one thing in common: an absolute sense of mission

Many people think about getting a leadership position, but they don’t think about the mission. It’s the mission that brings you the position. I have come to learn that if you are driven by a mission, everything will come with it including your dream position.

So many times I have spoken about how I have tried a lot to be a member in any organization or initiative to gain more experience and knowledge and to find a good and suitable job, and I faced lots of difficulties to achieve this and to join any team or NGO.

One day when I was coming back home with many copies of my CV, I asked myself:
Why am I doing this? Why am I walking for miles from home to companies, NGOs and people to ask for help? 
Why am I spending ten of hours from one website to another searching for opportunity? Is it just because I want to gain experience and widen my networks!

 That day I discovered why I failed to find any opportunity during a long time of hard working. After a long time thinking and working on many and diverse projects I succeeded in finding my mission in life and now I believe that when you allow yourself to grow and work on the mission unexpected things happen in your life.

Unexpected things happened to me like when I was asked to be the Syrian youth representative at the international youth federation. This is a part of my mission: to be a voice for young people, to fight for women’s rights, to help those who want the help, to be part of the solution for others’ problems, and to advocate for the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals. That’s because I believe that everyone has the right to education, to live a healthy life, to have a good standard of living, to be treated equally, and to live in an environment that is safe.

My reason for writing this article is to encourage you to discover your mission in life. I know that it’s not easy to know your mission but you deserve to try for a thousandth time. Do the things that others are afraid to do, success lies in every little thing you do every day, fill those little things with passion and commitment. A dream begins with desire but it must be made sustainable with commitment, passion and perseverance.

Outstanding people have one thing in common: an absolute sense of mission. A small body of determined spirits fired by an unquenchable faith in their mission can alter the course of history.

I believe each one of us has a mission in life and that one can’t truly be living their most fulfilled life until they recognize this mission and dedicate their life to pursue it.

Syrian Arab Republic