Justice—A Core Value Everyone Should Have


When I tell people that what I value most is justice, I only raise eyebrows— they definitely perceive me as some supervillain seeking vengeance for my downfall once upon a time. However, justice to me means more than just punishment and revenge. The justice I'm talking about is the ability to see the truth behind a facade. The ability to overcome personal biases to stand for what's right, even when the world seems to side with the perpetrator instead of the victim. It's about acknowledging the struggles of the underprivileged and providing them with healing and closure. Hence, given the profound significance of justice, why not make some adjustments to our lives to promote it further?

The first step to implementing it in our daily lives is to instill it in our hearts, and the first step to that is to educate ourselves. Persistently stay informed about social issues, the oppression of certain groups of people, and ethical principles. Read the news, and don't scroll past a TikTok that addresses 'serious' issues. Understanding the concept of justice and its application in today's world in various situations will help guide our behavior. 

Furthermore, we must muster the courage to speak up. It doesn't matter if it's through day-to-day conversations or the comments on a social media post because any method of speaking up is valuable. Even if the oppressors won't listen, many others will. Your voice can serve as a source of awareness and inspire others to join the conversation! Moreover, it is also important to leverage any privilege you possess to advocate for the marginalized. Privilege lifts our influence in society, and by using it for the better, we can help amplify the voices of marginalized communities and shed some light on issues of injustice.

I hope that by even writing this blog on this website, I have done my role in using my voice for the better.

It's quite clear that we don't have to be a lawyer to prioritize this value in our workplace. If you're in a position of power, you can pave the way for justice for your colleagues by establishing transparent policies that promote fairness for everyone, regardless of background or position in the job hierarchy. For instance, in the decision-making processes, such as promotions and conflict resolution, everyone must follow a detailed set of guidelines before an objective decision is made. This way, there aren't easy breaches of professional work ethics, causing more tension and resentment among colleagues. Of course, those who disobey the guidelines will face a deserved punishment.

Unfortunately, many employed young people aren't in a place to suggest policies that make or break a company. However, that's okay! You can still play a significant role in encouraging a just work society. What you can do is address any instances of discrimination constructively, emphasizing the importance of inclusion and compassion towards one another while working. Moreover, even treating everyone with kindness is enough to contribute to a positive atmosphere, decreasing unnecessary stress and fostering fairness. 


Without justice, what's left is lots and lots of corruption. Not just in politics but also in the way we treat others daily. Embracing justice means creating a platform where everyone has the opportunity to thrive with sufficient resources. It's common for the adults in our lives to hit us with the "life is never fair" notion. But instead of having that same old "so it goes" mindset, why don’t we change it? Besides, being silent in times of injustice is equivalent to siding with the oppressor. If no accountability is taken now, then when?

“Just because you find that life’s not fair it doesn’t mean that you just have to grin and bear it, if you always take it on the chin and wear it, nothing will change.” - Matilda