International Day of the Girl: Nothing is big enough to stop you

Dilian Manolov

Dear Blaga,

Do you remember how we met? I mean you received your literature price and read your lyric. And I was standing there thinking, what a poetry, what a voice, how awesome it would be to know this girl!

So, we met and were too shy to talk to each other. Then, you taught me to speak faster, way faster, because no-one told me I speak slowly. And then we started to grow up together. Your awareness of culture and social symbols of oppression, cultural appropriation and inequality struck me. You were both aware, willing to advocate but also with embedded sense of humor.

Since I know you you were my friend, buddy, sweetheart, colleague, boss, coworker. They say dreams come true, but honestly, my dreams were more dull. 

When you realized the education in your university could be better, you immediately reorganized the student conference, when you realized that girls with disabilities have an urgent need for more accessible and empowering health care you started to research.

Nothing is big enough to stop you and with the small things like annoying people in the public transport, well, I am on your side. Your love, laughter and support for your friends and me, no matter how you feel are mesmerizing.  

Five years later I have the honor and the privilege to be your fiancé.  

You inspired me to move, to know more and to have a little fun even with the most important matters of our existence.

Yours absolutely:

