Indonesia, children, UNICEF

for every child

I was born in a country that has a beautiful natural wealth, Indonesia. The islands stretch from Sabang to Marauke, united with one another irrespective of differences. We are Bhinneka Tunggal Ika; meaning although different but still one. That is the motto of my country. I learned a lot of things here. Since I was a kid my parents taught me to be a person that respects and helps others. They also taught my sister and I not to cheat in any case, no matter what. I am beyond grateful to be a part of a family that understands the purpose of life.

At the age of 11, I was interested to know more about UNICEF after the person who inspired me in all aspects of life; Selena Gomez, became an ambassador of UNICEF in 2009. UNICEF is an organization that is very appropriate for children's welfare around the world. UNICEF was created by The United Nations General Assembly on 11 December 1946 to provide emergency food and healthcare to children and mothers in countries that had been devastated by World War II. And in 1950, UNICEF's mandate was extended to address the long-term needs of children and women in developing countries everywhere.

So for me, UNICEF is the right place to help children in supporting their lives. I started to focus my goals on this organization, because I wanted to uphold children's rights. In 2014, I used my voice and action to speak up about children's rights and other issues around the world to support UNICEF in achieving children's goals.

For me, the development of children in my country Indonesia is very worrying especially in education, health and poverty. I witnessed some of those issues around me and from what I've seen, people really need help from the government who has the responsibility to decrease those things. Everyone should get involved. In my opinion, children play an important role for the future of our world. We shouldn't undermine what's already there and try to develop them. Children are too innocent to know their roles. We, as a teenager/adults/people who are older than them should educate them for a better future. We should treat them well, educate them on how to respect each other, how to speak properly, how to think positively and avoid negativity. I hope to raise awareness of this to governments, organizations, communities and people around.

I am honestly concerned about the situation which is sadly happening in my country, or maybe other countries too. Especially children who's rights are not protected. What I've done for my country isn't enough, this is just the beginning. We need good qualities, not high qualities. Not only in Indonesia, but worldwide. UNICEF has helped me attract what I want to do for the future of the world, namely to uphold children's rights and make their future better.

With love,

