#Notebook reminding us that change is constant

Hello youth,

Running away from issues that we think are too tough for us to handle is, well, one thing that we as a youth have in common. Although, it could bring us some temporary solace, running away from issues is not a sustainable option. Environment crisis, is one of these problems . I don’t think that I need to mention the issues regarding environment crisis that are going around the globe.  Because the consequences of our sins, which other species are paying for, have not gone unheard by anybody up until this point. . The problem is that, even though everyone knows about it, nothing is being done to address it . The question is: Are we ignoring it? Well, I don't think it's possible to ignore such serious problems. Why then is everyone quiet in the world?

If I were able to answer,I would say "Fear Of Change ". We believe that we are too small to handle such large changes that are going to encounter us . Fear that if we change ,we will only be able to satisfy our need and not our greed.This fear inside us is not letting us to accept the truth , the reality. Dismay becomes so powerful that we lose the track of reality. A mind that is overwhelmed by fear and cowardliness loses its ability to reason and becomes less logical. In actuality, we do not own anything in this world.

When faced with the truth, we become so weak and vulnerable that we stop facing it and begin to flee from it.  And as a result, not only do we suffer, but so do others. That's precisely what's taking place. Humans are said to be the most intelligent, fearless, and brave people, yet in my opinion, we are also the weakest. Undoubtedly, we are aware of what is going on around us, but because of our weakness, we are unable to accept it. We know deep down that we are cowards, so we can't confront it. We are so engrossed in our fantasy world that it doesn't matter what is happening to others ( species other than humans ). We have come to believe that we are this world's ultimate power, as if everything originates from us. We are just living in our own illusory world , where we are ruling the world at expense of other species' suffering. But who bestowed this authority upon us? Absolutely no one. There is nothing more unpleasant in life than becoming lost in an illusionary maze.

 We are forgetting that nature is a much more bigger power than us and that we are nothing but its slaves . We need to accept it. In order to accept certain things in life, we must let other things go. The most difficult thing to do is to let go. Loss of comfort, wealth, and material body and acknowledging that our purpose is  to serve as slaves rather than as rulers. Man will be freed when he detaches from the materialistic world. It will allow us to enter a new world where harmony and peace will prevail.We shouldn't be afraid of climate change because it affects us so severely, but also because it affects other animals.

So let's not hide anymore. And let's face it together . Have faith in change. Change that will rob us of our comfort but eventually bring about serenity. It's time for nature to reclaim her throne, and as her slaves, we must work together to safeguard it.

Srishti Mangla, 
