Education is not a waste of time for a girl

Kipo Sophia

My name is Kipo Sophia, I am 19-year-old student of Tinga Senior Technical school, in Ghana. My hope is that girl education will be taken seriously, because we cannot develop our communities without the contribution of women.  

In 2016, I completed Junior High School and gained admission to further my education in the secondary level, but my parents had different plans for me. Despite knowing that my dream was to become a teacher, they told me to get a job and start working instead. I was 15 years old at the time.  

I tried to explain but they told me they wouldn't waste their money on my education. I insisted that I wanted to go to school, but my parents told to me to support myself through school if I want to. 

I sold eggs for two years and gathered enough money. I later got a job as a shopkeeper and saved more for my school. I applied what I heard from church to my education, so I learnt not to never give up.  

Today, I am an SHS two student of Tinga Senior High school and I am positive that my vision to become a teacher will come true. 

I hope that my experience will inspire a girl out there, because education is our greatest ally.

With education, we can do what we are told we cannot do and even better. And with education we can reduce teenage pregnancy, eliminate child marriage and attain gender equality. 
