Defying the odds


You are beautiful, you are charming and regardless of the daunting crowd staring at you, you move with an air of effortlessness and effervescence. I watch as you breeze into the room, with poise that indicated confidence and demanded respect. How do you do it?

“Just relax and smile!” You tell me. Please! Easier said than done.

In any case, I decided long ago to simply live vicariously through you.

Countless times you've giving me a persistent, yet gentle push to live without holding back, you tell me to expand my mental perception on life. How is it that you never gave up on me? “There will be lots of missed opportunities and regrets if you don't move out of your comfort-zone now and live life in all it's entirety.” You remind me.

You left for university, miles and miles away. With sadness and regrets, came the realization that you won't always be here.

That first year you were away, was simply put, overwhelming. Yet, I was driven to do things for myself. To tell you the truth, I never thought I could do it. I left my social-anxiety confinement; I traveled on my own, I went to college; I made new friends; and I spoke out. All along, you cheered me on! How is it that you saw the best that I can be?

In many ways, you taught me this: like the radiant warmth of the sun after a really stormy day, it matters to have someone in our lives that constantly reminds us of perseverance particularly when we feel small or lost. Oh, let's be swift to cheer each other up so that we can grow together! Occasionally, we tend to forget that we are strong, let us remind one another that we are fully-adequate.

This post is dedicated to my sisters, for showing me how to fly.
