Staying Aware: The First Step to Bettering Society

A neon light that says change

The current state of our planet in terms of the physicalities of the planet itself and humanity as a whole is in dire sufferance. Ecosystems rapidly crumble to a past thought or memory. Inhumane military crimes taking place, and tactics being used that society thought had been left in the past. Discrimination is at a high. On top of all the numerous crises we are in it's leaving our youth at a standstill of confusion. 

This generation of youth is considered the most educated and most open-minded, and rightfully so. We have been given resources that no generation before us has had. Yet many sit here not knowing where to begin, with a surplus of information always being spewed at us. It's time for all of us as a whole to take a step back and accurately and mindfully take in this information. 

How do we mindfully take in information? This has many different aspects. We read and educate ourselves on matters that affect us, laws actively being put into place in our country of residence, and the effects of negative global actions on our planet which should be nurtured. Not necessarily prioritizing the need to look into the whereabouts of celebrities, social media drama, and "beef" between rappers. Beginning to disregard situations that aren't directly affecting us is a major step in the right direction. 

Knowing about some of these major global dilemmas may affect the way we think. It may create a feeling of doom to dwell within us, and this is a good thing. These dilemmas shouldn't be taken lightly. To care can be to act. It can be something as simple as donating to charities representing your cause of concern. Knowing we are taking a step towards greatness and healing aids in the removal of this feeling of doom, this weight is slowly but surely lifted off of our shoulders. 

Our youth is passionate about how we feel about discrimination and the world around us. Sometimes we feel helpless, but being properly educated on said predicaments and social situations is helping more than may be led on. Simply choosing not to ignore the suffering of others shows a level of attentiveness toward these global issues. As a whole, we can make a change. So read that article, express your feelings to others, and make a difference. 

United States of America