Feminism vs. "overreacting"

The future is female.

Around the world, women's rights have been devoured by waves of sexist comments, posts, and so on. This double-standard point of view dates as far back as the early 1700s when women were hardly given any established rights. The ongoing situation of gender-based discrimination has affected the lives of many women. Not to mention, a statement made by UNICEF USA suggests, "Worldwide, nearly 1 in 4 girls between the ages of 15 and 19 are neither employed nor in education or training – compared to 1 in 10 boys," (UNICEF USA). Men don't see with their minds -- they see with their eyes. It's insulting. It's heartbreaking.

Many women nowadays can't even leave their homes without fearing what might happen. They are confronted with the ignorant mentality some of our society's men obtain -- women are less than. But have they seen the true power women hold -- power ranging from (but not limited to) the gracefulness of Rosa Parks to the perseverance of Malala? No. They do not address it because it does not promote their lists of characteristics that they then use to create an ever-growing tower of who's better than who; hence, through foul response, they make rude remarks. They use protests as "excuses" but little do those men know that their rights were put at the forefront before women's. Not because they had done anything considerably extraordinary but because they never gave women a chance

If women are lectured on how to defend themselves from uncivil men, men can be lectured on how to respect women.

“When the whole world is silent, even one voice becomes powerful.” -Malala Yousafzai